Monday, June 29, 2009

Slackers? I don’t think so!

A couple months ago, two of my longest-known friends e-mailed me separately, but in the same week, about how their difficulty in staying motivated to work out. So, I set out to find an event they could work towards, and that I could do with them.

I tried looking for a 5K, but with my crazy training and event schedule this summer, there wasn’t one that fit in, so I signed us up for the next best thing: the Slacker ½ Marathon!

Don’t worry, I didn’t tell them they needed to be ready for 13.1 miles within two months. The Slacker has a relay option, so I told them I would run the first part (5 ½ miles), then I would meet one of them at the relay point and run or walk with her, then meet the other girlfriend at the next relay point and do the same the rest of the way. They were both up for it without a second thought. I was psyched.

Both Sandy and Debbie started walking and jogging more and more every day because we had set this goal. They both knew the other two girlfriends were counting on them to be ready. If you’re having trouble getting motivated to workout, set a goal with a friend that you don’t want to disappoint – you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Race day was a blast. Both girls live in Parker and arrived at my house promptly at 5am because we had to be to Georgetown to hit the shuttle busses no later than 7am. Plus, a stop at Starbucks in Idaho Spring was a must!

I’ve known Debbie since preschool and Sandy since 8th grade, so needless to say, we go back a ways. We had the best time chatting and laughing in the car on the way up and back. That time in the car was time we never get together – I’ll always remember that.

The event went great. I started from the base of Loveland Ski Area and ran to Sandy pretty quick. Downhill events are fun because you can go much faster than usual (however my legs paid for it the next day!).

Sandy and I then jogged and walked the 2nd leg. We talked and caught up on more of life than we had in the car.

Then with 4 miles to go, Debbie was waiting for us at the 3rd relay point and the three of us went to the finish. Both legs of the event with my girlfriends flew by because we were enjoying each other’s company, talking about how much fun we were having and soaking in the scenery that we never take the time to see when cruising along in a car on I-70.

We held hands across the finish line and had a time of 2:21 – not bad for 3 chicks just having a good time together! Now for our next goal….. :)

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