Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What list is YOUR name on?

Question: What are three things we wish we had more of?

Money, time and health.

But what if you used a little bit of money to help schedule your time and you felt healthier in the process?

I’m talking about signing up for an event. It doesn’t matter if it’s a one mile walk, a 10K, a charity bike ride or an Ironman triathlon. Something, anything where your name is on a list for an event.

Sending in an application and an entry fee accomplishes so many things. For starters, you are paying money for it. Why would you throw that money away and not show up? Add to that, now you are being held accountable for preparing your mind and body for the event (or at least you should be if you want to cross the finish line). Most importantly, chances are you will improve your health in the meantime.

So what list do you want your name to be on? I know the snow has started to fly, but there are a multitude of winter events in Colorado and many events for 2009 have already opened up for entries. I’ve included a few of my favorites at the end of this blog. Let me know if you sign up for something

I’ve been wanting to write this blog for a while, but I was waiting for my name to show up on a list that I never thought I’d be on: a list for an official Ironman triathlon. Next June I’ll be heading to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and run 26.2 miles. Yes, it’s crazy, but my name is on the list and here’s the proof (scroll down to the “W’s” to see my name:

How crazy it that? Completely… but I can’t wait.

As for suggestions, a favorite I did last year was the Winter Distance Series at Chatfield Reservoir. You have a choice in distance, the events are smaller than most, and the group is really fun. You can run or walk all of these and the spacing between the races gives you plenty of time to increase your mileage in between if you desire.

12/20/08 Rudolph’s Revenge (5K/10K)
1/18/09 Frosty’s Frozen 5 (5M/10M)
2/21/09 Snowman Stampede (5M/10M)

For other ideas, check out the calendar at

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